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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (03) : 409 -413. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2024.03.016


刘正宇1, 刘春风1, 王振1,()   
  1. 1. 215028 上海交通大学医学院苏州九龙医院
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-30 出版日期:2024-06-01
  • 通信作者: 王振
  • 基金资助:
    苏州市姑苏卫生人才计划培养项目(GSWS2020121); 苏州市科技发展计划(SKJYD2021046)

Early efficacy of hemiarthroplasty of conjoined tendon preserving posterior approach for femoral neck fractures

Zhengyu Liu1, Chunfeng Liu1, Zhen Wang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Orthopaedics, Suzhou Kowloon Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Suzhou 215028, China
  • Received:2023-10-30 Published:2024-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Zhen Wang

刘正宇, 刘春风, 王振. 改良后外侧入路半髋置换治疗股骨颈骨折的早期疗效[J]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(03): 409-413.

Zhengyu Liu, Chunfeng Liu, Zhen Wang. Early efficacy of hemiarthroplasty of conjoined tendon preserving posterior approach for femoral neck fractures[J]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(03): 409-413.










To investigate the clinical efficacy of hemiarthroplasty with conjoined tendon preserving posterior approach(CPP) in the treatment of femoral neck fractures.


A retrospective analysis was performed for a total of 91 patients undergone hemiarthroplasty in Suzhou Kowloon Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine from January 2019 to January 2022. The patients were divided into the tradition group and the CPP group according to the different posterolatral approach types: the traditional group adopted cutting the conjoined tendon, while the CPP group adopted preserving the conjoined tendon. The incision length, operation time, blood loss, hospital stay and pain were compared in the two groups by chi square test or t test. The postoperative complications were followed up and the hip function and pain were scored.


There were 50 patients in the tradition group and 41 patients in the CPP group, including 15 males and 35 females in the tradition group, with an average age of (80±7) years, and 15 males and 26 females in the CPP group, with an average age of (80±6) years. The operation time, incision length and hospital stay were longer in the tradition group, and the blood loss was more than that in the CPP group (t=3.192, 4.553, 2.968, 5.835, all P<0.05). The Harris score of the tradition group was significantly lower than that of the CPP group one month after surgery (t=6.705, P<0.05), but there was no statistically significant difference in Harris score three months after operation (t=1.484, P>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in preoperative visual analogue scale (VAS) scores between the two groups (t=0.148, P>0.05), and the pain score of the tradition group were higher than those of the CPP group on the first postoperative day (t=4.215, P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the overall postoperative complication rate between the two groups (χ2=0.675, P>0.05).


The CPP approach not only reduces the surgical trauma, shortens the time for patients to return to normal life, but also increases the stability of the hip joint, which can theoretically reduce the risk of postoperative dislocation, and is more recommended for elderly patients with hemiarthroplasty.

表1 两组患者一般资料比较
Table 1 General information of the two groups
表2 两组围手术期相关指标(
Table 2 Perioperative data of the two groups
表3 两组髋关节功能Harris评分及VAS疼痛评分(
Table 3 Harris and VAS scoresin perioperative period
表4 两组相关并发症比较
Table 4 Comparison of related complications between the two groups
图1 典型病例影像及手术情况。图A为术前右髋关节正侧位片,示右侧股骨颈骨折,骨折端移位明显;图B为术中处理,红色箭头示关节囊,蓝色箭头示髋臼;图C为术中安放假体,黄色箭头示短外旋肌群,绿色箭头示人工股骨头;图D为术后右髋关节正侧位片,示人工髋关节假体在位,位置良好
Figure 1 X ray and operation images of typical case. A is preoperative X-ray images of right hip joint at anteroposterior and lateral views, showing right femoral neck fracture with obvious displacement; B is image during operation, and red arrow shows joint capsule, blue arrow shows acetabular; C is image of putting prosthesis during operation, and the yellow arrow shows short external rotator muscles, green arrow shows artificial femoral head; D is postoperative X-ray images of right hip joint at anteroposterior and lateral views, showing hip prosthesis in good position
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