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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (03) : 329 -336. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2024.03.005


沈建成1,(), 阮安民1, 刘壮1   
  1. 1. 100010 北京市隆福医院
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-15 出版日期:2024-06-01
  • 通信作者: 沈建成

Combined evaluation of two surgical treatments of intertrochanteric femoral fractures in elderly patients with two joint scores

Jiancheng Shen1,(), Anmin Ruan1, Zhuang Liu1   

  1. 1. Beijing Longfu Hospital, Beijing 100010, China
  • Received:2023-11-15 Published:2024-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Jiancheng Shen

沈建成, 阮安民, 刘壮. 两种关节评分联用评价两种手术治疗老年股骨粗隆间骨折[J]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(03): 329-336.

Jiancheng Shen, Anmin Ruan, Zhuang Liu. Combined evaluation of two surgical treatments of intertrochanteric femoral fractures in elderly patients with two joint scores[J]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(03): 329-336.




纳入选定时间跨度内北京市隆福医院收治的年龄≥65岁Evans-Jensen分型Ⅲ~Ⅴ型的低能量单侧股骨不稳定型粗隆间骨折患者92位作为研究对象,排除髋部严重疾病、合并下肢其他部位骨折、病理性骨折、不适合在入院48 h内接受手术的内科等疾病者。其中46位接受了闭合复位股骨近端防旋髓内钉内固定术(CRIF-PFNA)治疗,另46位接受了双动头人工股骨头置换术(HA-BFHP)治疗。对患者进行了为期2年的疗效临床跟踪,并使用Harris髋关节评分和Parker活动度评分、采用重复测量方差分析来评估、比较不同手术患者恢复情况。






To compare efficacies of closed reduction and internal fixation with proximal femur nail antirotation (CRIF-PFNA) and hemiarthroplasty with bipolar femoral head prosthesis (HA-BFHP) for geriatric unstable intertrochanteric fractures by combining the Parker mobility score with the Harris hip score.


Ninety-two patients aged ≥65 years old with Evans-Jensen classification Ⅲ~Ⅴ low energy unilateral femoral unstable intertrochanteric fracture admitted to Beijing Longfu Hospital during the selected time span were included as the study subjects; the patients with other severe hip diseases, lower limb fractures at other sites, pathological bone fractures and diseases not suitable for surgery within 48 h were excluded. Forty-six of whom received the treatment of closed reduction proximal femoral anti-screwing intramedullal nail internal fixation (CRIF-PFNA). Another 46 patients underwent double head artificial femoral head replacement (HA-BFHP). Clinical follow-up was performed for two years. The Harris hip score and Parker mobility score were used, and repeated measure ANOVA was used to evaluate and compare the recovery of patients with different operations.


Compared with HA-BFHP, the operation of CRIF-PFNA was relatively simple, the time was short, the bleeding was less, but the patient's bed recovery period was longer. At three months after surgery, patients treated with CRIF-PFNA had lower Harris hip scores (t=−8.88, P<0.001) and greater reductions in Parker mobility scores (t=2.58, P=0.013) compared with those treated with HA-BFHP. There was no significant difference in Harris hip score between the two groups at six, 12 and 24 months after surgery (t=1.31, 0.52, 0.96, all P>0.05). However, the reduction value of Parker activity score in the CRIF-PFNA group at 12 and 24 months after surgery (compared with the onset of fracture) was lower than that in the HA-BFHP group, and the difference was statistically significant (t=2.29, 2.18, both P<0.05).


The two surgical methods have their own merits and demerits in treating geriatric unstable intertrochanteric fractures, in which HA-BFHP is conducive to rapid postoperative recovery to a relatively ideal status, and CRIF-PFNA has lower overall surgical risk, wider applicability, and can achieve better long-term recuperation for non-serious osteoporosis patients.

表1 纳入患者的一般资料
Table 1 General information of the enrolled patients
图1 CRIF-PFNA(闭合复位股骨近端防旋髓内钉内固定)术前术后X线影像。图A为术前左髋正侧位片,示股骨粗隆间骨折;图B为术后左髋正侧位片,示复位良好、固定牢固
Figure 1 X-ray images before and after CRIF-PFNA (closed reduction and internal fixation with proximal femur nail antirotation). A is image of left hip at anteroposterior and lateral positions before operation, showing intertrochanteric fracture; B is image of left hip at anteroposterior and lateral positions after operation, showing good reduction and fixation
图2 HA-BFHP(双动人工股骨头半置换)术前后X线影像。图A为术前左髋正侧位片,示股骨粗隆间骨折;图B为术后左髋正侧位片,示复位良好、假体稳定牢固
Figure 2 X-ray images before and after HA-BFHP (hemiarthroplasty with bipolar femoral head prosthesis). A is image of left hip at anteroposterior and lateral positions before operation, showing intertrochanteric fracture; B is image of left hip at anteroposterior and lateral positions after operation, showing good reduction and stable prosthesis
表2 CRIF-PFNA组与HA-BFHP组围手术期指标
Table 2 Perioperative data of CRIF-PFNA group and HA-BFHP group
Table 3 Follow-up data of CRIF-PFNA group and HA-BFHP group
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