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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (03) : 320 -328. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2024.03.004


陈镁仪1, 李伊尧2, 张梦圆2, 许杰2, 马若凡2, 李登2, 顾菁3,()   
  1. 1. 510120 广州,中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院骨外科;528478 广州,中山大学公共卫生学院
    2. 510120 广州,中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院骨外科
    3. 528478 广州,中山大学公共卫生学院
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-11 出版日期:2024-06-01
  • 通信作者: 顾菁
  • 基金资助:

Application research of visual self-rating system for hip joint function evaluation

Meiyi Chen1, Yiyao Li2, Mengyuan Zhang2, Jie Xu2, Ruofan Ma2, Deng Li2, Jing Gu3,()   

  1. 1. Department of Orthopedics, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510120, China;School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 528478, China
    2. Department of Orthopedics, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510120, China
    3. School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 528478, China
  • Received:2024-03-11 Published:2024-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Jing Gu

陈镁仪, 李伊尧, 张梦圆, 许杰, 马若凡, 李登, 顾菁. 图示化自主髋关节功能评分系统的应用研究[J]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(03): 320-328.

Meiyi Chen, Yiyao Li, Mengyuan Zhang, Jie Xu, Ruofan Ma, Deng Li, Jing Gu. Application research of visual self-rating system for hip joint function evaluation[J]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(03): 320-328.






同为患者自主测评,较之简版Harris评分相比,图示化髋关节评分值更集中地分布在95%一致性界限(-4.25,9.47);基于图示化髋关节评分进行的等级评定较简版Harris评分,误判率更低(38% vs. 23%,χ2=4.309,P=0.038);评估耗时显示图示化评分操作耗时较Harris评分量表法缩短(F=19.753,P<0.001);满意度问卷调查显示图示化评分法最高(F=20.659,P<0.001)。




To design a visual hip joint function rating system presented through pictures and videos for self-evaluation by patients based on the Harris score, and to verify its feasibility and accuracy.


An observational randomized crossover design study was conducted on patients discharged from hospital after unilateral hip replacement or core decompression at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital from January 2020 to December 2023. Severe senile dementia or other psychological diseases, and incompleted data were excluded. The consistency of the Harris score, simplified Harris score, and visual hip joint score were evaluated by analysis of variance, Kendall rank correlation analysis, and Bland-Altman plot. The feasibility of visual hip joint sore by patients was assessed through analysis of evaluation process time and response rate.


Compared to the simplified Harris score, the visual hip joint score had a more concentrated distribution of scores within the 95% consistency limits (-4.25, 9.47). The visual hip joint score had lower misjudgment rate compared to the simplified Harris score (38% vs. 23%, χ2=4.309, P=0.038) in terms of grade assessment. The evaluation process time for the visual hip joint score was shorter than that for the Harris score(F=19.753, P<0.001). The satisfaction survey showed the highest satisfaction with the visual hip joint score(F=20.659, P<0.001).


The visual hip joint score for self-evaluation by patients is consistent and highly correlated with the Harris score. It provides more accurate grade assessment compared to the simplified Harris score previously used for self-evaluation by patients, and has good accessibility. It can meet the needs of accurate and convenient self-assessment by patients and better promote the development of remote follow-up.

图1 三种髋关节功能评估所含项目及呈现形式对比
Figure 1 Comparison of items and presentation forms in three hip joint function assessments
图2 轻度跛行 图3 中度跛行 图4 重度跛行
Figure 2 Mild claudication Figure 3 Moderate claudication Figure 4 Severe claudication
图5 髋屈曲畸形程度评估 注:利用生活物品(如矿泉水瓶)估测仰卧位时床面与腘窝间距离,显示髋屈曲畸形程度(约30°)
Figure 5 Assessment of the degree of flexion deformity of the hip Note: Estimate the distance between the bed and the popliteal fossa in the supine position using daily objects (such as mineral water bottles), indicating the degree of flexion deformity of the hip (about 30°)
图6 肢体缩短畸形评估 注:以仰卧中立状态两足跟距离差评估肢体缩短畸形(三指约3.2 cm)
Figure 6 Assessment of limb shortening deformity Note: The difference in heel distance between two legs in supine neutral state was used to evaluate limb shortening deformity (three fingers about 3.2 cm)
图7 以侧观坐姿判定髋屈曲程度
Figure 7 Hip flexion was determined by lateral sitting posture
图8 髋外展程度评估 注:以仰卧髋外展状态下,两膝间距离差评估髋外展程度(膝间可容纳A4纸长度为外展约30°)
Figure 8 Assessment of hip abduction degree Note: In supine hip abduction, the distance difference between the knees is used to assess the degree of hip abduction (the length of A4 paper between the knees is about 30°)
图9 髋内收活动度评估 注:仰卧位,下肢交叉评估髋内收活动度(交叉及膝约为内收15°)
Figure 9 Assessment of hip adduction range of motion Note: Supine position, lower limb cross assessment of hip adduction motion (cross and knee about 15° adduction)
图10 以端坐位小腿可交叉情况评估髋内旋角度
Figure 10 Assessing the internal rotation angle of the hip in the position of calf cross-overability
图11 Harris评分与简版Harris评分的Bland-Altman 注:A-Harris评分;B-简版Harris评分
Figure 11 Bland-Altman plot of Harris score and simplified Harris score Note: A - Harris score; B - Simplified Harris score
图12 Harris评分与图示化髋关节评分的Bland-Altman 注:A-Harris评分;C-图示化髋关节评分
Figure 12 Bland-Altman plot of Harris score and visual hip joint score Note: A - Harris score; C - visual hip joint score
图13 三种评分间患者等级差异桑基图
Figure 13 Sankey diagram of patient grade differences between three evaluation scores
表1 三种评分的等级评定的相关性
Table 1 Correlation of grade assessment for three types of scores
表2 满意度调查(n=79)
Table 2 Satisfaction survey
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