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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (02) : 241 -245. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2022.02.017


赵星宇1, 张常贵2, 曹晋2, 林杨景2, 杨柳2, 段小军2,()   
  1. 1. 400038 重庆,陆军军医大学第一附属医院(西南医院)关节外科;636700 巴中,通江县人民医院
    2. 400038 重庆,陆军军医大学第一附属医院(西南医院)关节外科
  • 收稿日期:2020-07-27 出版日期:2022-04-01
  • 通信作者: 段小军
  • 基金资助:

Rapid establishment of subtalar arthroscopic portal using Kirschner wire assisted positioning

Xingyu Zhao1, Changgui Zhang2, Jin Cao2, Yangjing Lin2, Liu Yang2, Xiaojun Duan2,()   

  1. 1. Center for Joint Surgery, The First Hospital Affiliated to Army Military Medical University (Southwest Hospital), Chongqing 400038, China; People′s Hospital of Tongjiang County, Bazhong 636700, China
    2. Center for Joint Surgery, The First Hospital Affiliated to Army Military Medical University (Southwest Hospital), Chongqing 400038, China
  • Received:2020-07-27 Published:2022-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Xiaojun Duan

赵星宇, 张常贵, 曹晋, 林杨景, 杨柳, 段小军. 克氏针辅助定位快速建立距下关节镜通路[J/OL]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2022, 16(02): 241-245.

Xingyu Zhao, Changgui Zhang, Jin Cao, Yangjing Lin, Liu Yang, Xiaojun Duan. Rapid establishment of subtalar arthroscopic portal using Kirschner wire assisted positioning[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2022, 16(02): 241-245.










To explore the feasibility of using the Kirschner wire-assisted positioning method to rapidly establish the subtalar arthroscopic portal, and conduct follow-ups to investigate the short-term efficacy of the subtalar arthroscopy to provide evidence for its further promotion and application.


The patients who underwent conventional subtalar arthroscopic debridement or arthrodesis using Kirschner wire-assisted positioning method at the Center for Joint Surgery of Southwest Hospital from October, 2011 to July, 2019 were followed up. The perioperative complications were recorded; the paired t test was used to analyze the preoperative and postoperative visual analogue scale (VAS) and the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) scores; the bone fusion time of the arthrodesis group was recorded.


A total of 26 patients were followedup, with a follow-up time of (45±26) months. There was no vascular nerve injury intraoperatively, and no complications of incision infection, poor healing and deep vein thrombosis postoperatively. Twenty-two patients underwent arthroscopic debridement. Compared with the preoperative VAS score (6.8±1.1), the VAS score at the last follow-up decreased to (1.3±0.8), and the difference was statistically significant (t=24.783, P<0.001). the AOFAS score were (68.2±13.0) points before the surgery, and (91.7±6.9) points after the surgery (t=-13.504, P<0.001). Four cases underwent arthroscopic arthrodesis, and the bone fusion time were(12.0±1.6)weeks.


The application of the Kirschner wire-assisted positioning method can rapidly establish the subtalar arthroscopic portal with a clear field of vision, which meets the conventional requirements for subtalar arthroscopic debridement or arthrodesis, which is of great value for inexperienced surgeons performing foot and ankle arthroscopy.

图1 克氏针辅助下建立距下关节镜通道步骤图。图A使用克氏针快速建立距下关节镜前外侧通道,穿刺点位置,画线示位于外踝尖下1 cm前2 cm跗骨窦区的凹陷处;图B克氏针沿定位处垂直破皮进入跗骨窦区;图C克氏针通过跗骨窦管达到内踝后未穿破皮肤;图D退出克氏针,尖刀切开皮肤,蚊式血管钳撑开皮下组织,然后插入关节镜鞘;图E拔出针芯,接上关节镜,关节镜监视引导下建立外侧正中入路;图F关节镜和手术器械可以分别在两个通道交替轮换使用
表1 患者术后随访资料分析[n=26,(±s)]
图2 镜下左距下关节融合术典型病例。图A为术前左踝关节X线侧位片,提示关节间隙狭窄,符合重度OA(骨关节炎)表现;图B为术前左踝关节MRI矢状位T1相,符合OA表现;图C术前左踝关节CT图像,符合OA表现;图D关节镜下见左踝距下关节OA明显;图E关节镜下刮除残留关节软骨,并进行融合面的微骨折处理;图F术中显示关节镜通道及控制克氏针方向的导板;图G术中C臂透视确定螺钉方向满意;图H术后3月复查左踝关节X线侧位片提示距下关节骨性融合;图I术后1年复查,示后踝力线满意
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