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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (02) : 246 -249. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2022.02.018


李沅隆1, 潘海1, 袁霆2, 张志杰3, 周宏宇4, 张纳1, 屠宏亮1, 李佳卉1, 李培1,()   
  1. 1. 110075 沈阳医学院附属中心医院
    2. 200233 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院
    3. 471002 河南省洛阳正骨医院
    4. 110075 沈阳市骨科医院
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-16 出版日期:2022-04-01
  • 通信作者: 李培
  • 基金资助:
    辽宁省科学技术基金(20192D0332); 沈阳市科学技术计划(20-205-4-019)

Extracorporeal shock wave combined with platelet rich plasma in treatment of bone nonunion

Yuanlong Li1, Hai Pan1, Ting Yuan2, Zhijie Zhang3, Hongyu Zhou4, Na Zhang1, Hongliang Tu1, Jiahui Li1, Pei Li1,()   

  1. 1. Central Hospital Affiliated to Shenyang Medical College, Shenyang 110075, China
    2. The Sixth People′s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200233, China
    3. Luoyang Orthopedic Hospital, Luoyang 471002, China
    4. Shenyang Zhenggu Hospital, Shenyang 110075, China
  • Received:2020-09-16 Published:2022-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Pei Li

李沅隆, 潘海, 袁霆, 张志杰, 周宏宇, 张纳, 屠宏亮, 李佳卉, 李培. 体外冲击波联合富血小板血浆治疗骨不连[J/OL]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2022, 16(02): 246-249.

Yuanlong Li, Hai Pan, Ting Yuan, Zhijie Zhang, Hongyu Zhou, Na Zhang, Hongliang Tu, Jiahui Li, Pei Li. Extracorporeal shock wave combined with platelet rich plasma in treatment of bone nonunion[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2022, 16(02): 246-249.










To observe the effect of extracorporeal shock wave combined with platelet rich plasma in the treatment of bone nonunion under the guidance of ultrasound.


A total of 48 patients who met the inclusion criteria of bone nonunion (BU) were randomly divided into three groups. Under the guidance of musculoskeletal ultrasound, extracorporeal shock wave (SW), platelet rich plasma (PRP) and shock wave combined with platelet rich plasma (SW-PRP) were used respectively. The X-ray images of patients before and after treatment were compared and analyzed, and the differences in cure rate and treatment cycle of the three groups were analyzed. One way ANOVA was used for comparison between groups, LSD-t test was used for pair-wise comparison between groups, and chi square test was used for comparison between groups.


All the patients with BU were treated for 12 months. The cure time of the SW group was (24.8±1.7) weeks, and the cure rate was 81.25%. The cure time of the PRP treatment group was (25.8±1.4)weeks, and the cure rate was 75.0%. The cure time of the SW-PRP group was(21.8±1.5) weeks, and the cure rate was 93.8%. The treatment time of the SW-PRP group was much less than the PRP group(P=0.01) and SW group (P=0.03).


In vitro SW combined with PRP can shorten the treatment duration of BU compared with single treatment, but there is no difference in the cure rate.

表1 各组骨不连患者基线资料比较
图1 PRP联合冲击波治疗组的X线随时间变化。图A为术前右前臂正侧位X线片,示尺桡骨双骨折;图B为术后12个月右前臂正侧位X线片,示骨折处未愈合;图C为联合治疗1个月后右前臂正侧位X线片;图D为联合治疗3个月右前臂正侧位X线片,示桡骨断端模糊骨痂影;图E为联合治疗6个月右前臂侧位X线片;图F为联合治疗12个月右前臂正侧位X线,示有明显骨痂长过骨折线
图2 不同治疗方式骨不连出现明显愈合征象的时间注:*- F=1.14,P<0.05
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