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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (02) : 209 -215. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2023.02.009


詹芝玮, 韦雨柔, 林天烨, 魏秋实()   
  1. 510378 广州中医药大学第三临床医学院;510378 广州,广东省中医骨伤研究院
    510378 广州中医药大学第三临床医学院
    510378 广州,广东省中医骨伤研究院;510378 广州中医药大学第三附属医院关节中心
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-14 出版日期:2023-04-01
  • 通信作者: 魏秋实
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金面上项目(82274544,81873327); 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(82004392); 广东省中医药重点学科建设项目(20220101); 广东省中医药局中医药科研项目(科研平台专项)(20233002); 毕节市科学技术局"揭榜挂帅"项目(毕科合重大专项〔2022〕1号); 广东省教育厅普通高校重点领域专项(2021ZDZX2005); 广州市科学技术局重点研发计划农业和社会发展科技项目专题(202206010184); 广东省中医药局科研项目(20221199); 广东省新黄埔中医药联合创新研究院联合创新研究项目(2022IR012); 广州中医药大学"双一流"与高水平大学学科协同创新团队重大项目(2021XK05); 广州中医药大学"双一流"与高水平大学学科协同创新团队培育项目(2021XK41、2021XK46); 广东省中医骨伤研究院开放基金课题重点项目(GYH202101-01、GYH202101-04); 广东省中医骨伤研究院开放基金课题一般项目(GYH202102-06)

Correlation between varus deformity of knee osteoarthritis and low-density region under tibial plateau

Zhiwei Zhan, Yurou Wei, Tianye Lin, Qiushi Wei()   

  1. The Third Clinical Medical College, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510378, China; Guangdong Research Institute for Orthopedics and Traumatology of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510378, China
    The Third Clinical Medical College, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510378, China
    Guangdong Research Institute for Orthopedics and Traumatology of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510378, China; Joint Center, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510378, China
  • Received:2021-11-14 Published:2023-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Qiushi Wei

詹芝玮, 韦雨柔, 林天烨, 魏秋实. 膝骨关节炎内翻畸形与胫骨平台下低密度影面积的关联[J/OL]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2023, 17(02): 209-215.

Zhiwei Zhan, Yurou Wei, Tianye Lin, Qiushi Wei. Correlation between varus deformity of knee osteoarthritis and low-density region under tibial plateau[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2023, 17(02): 209-215.




回顾性分析2020年6月至2021年4月广州中医药大学第三附属医院诊断为KOA的患者406例(594膝)的影像学及临床资料。纳入标准:符合KOA影像学和临床表现诊断标准;年龄≥50岁;影像学检查显示力线正常或者膝内翻畸形。排除标准:膝外翻畸形;影像学资料不全;过去半年内曾服用过影响骨代谢药物的患者;因关节外畸形而影响膝关节下肢负重力线者。根据患者负重位下肢全长片测量下肢负重力线,并根据下肢负重力线将患者分为三组:力线正常组(力线位于胫骨髁间嵴)、轻度内翻组(力线位于胫骨内侧平台)和重度内翻组(力线超出胫骨内侧平台)。收集记录患者年龄、身体质量指数(BMI)等指标。将患者的膝关节负重正位片导入E-3D软件,提取胫骨平台下低密度影的轮廓线,通过Image-Pro Plus 6.0软件测量轮廓线内的面积。轮廓线匹配至标准膝关节模型上,采用单因素方差分析比较3组患者年龄、BMI、胫骨平台下低密度影的位置及面积。


406例(594膝)患者中男12例(16膝),女394例(578膝),双膝188例,单膝218例;平均年龄(69±8)岁。所有患者均完成测量分析,其中力线正常组66膝,轻度内翻组351膝,重度内翻组177膝。三组患者年龄和BMI差异无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。比较3组热力图发现,力线正常组的胫骨平台下低密度影位于胫骨平台下正中,其低密度影范围最小;重度内翻组较力线正常组、轻度内翻组两组的低密度影位置最接近胫骨内侧皮质骨,且范围最大。力线正常组的平均面积为(6 568±519)mm2,轻度内翻组平均面积为(7 266±577)mm2,重度内翻组平均面积为(8 240±485)mm2,三组对比差异有统计学意义(F=293.140,P<0.001)。




To analyse the correlation between varus deformity of knee osteoarthritis (KOA) and area of low-density region under tibial plateau on the basis of thermography.


Imaging and clinical data of 406 patients (594 knees) diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis, from June 2020 to April 2021, in our hospital were retrospectively analysed. The inclusion criteria were: those who met the diagnostic criteria in X-ray images and clinical manifestations of KOA; age ≥50 years old; X-ray showed a normal mechanical alignment or otherwise a deformity of genu varum. Exclusion criteria were: genu valgus deformity, incomplete imaging data, those had been taking drugs that affected bone metabolism in last six months and alignment of lower limbs was affected by non-articular deformity. Alignments of lower limbs were measured according to full-length lower limb X-ray in weight-bearing position. The patients were divided into three groups according to the lower limb alignments. The patients were assigned in the normal group while the alignment of lower limb was found across the tibial intercondylar eminence, those in the mild varus group had the alignment of lower limb across the medial tibial plateau and those in the severe varus group were found that the alignment of lower limb extended beyond the medial tibial plateau. A retrospective analysis was performed to compare the age, body mass index (BMI) and other indicators among the three groups. Anteroposterior weight-bearing X-ray images of the knees in three groups were imported into E-3D software to extract the contour of the low-density region under tibial plateau. Area within the contour was then measured and calculated by Image-Pro Plus 6.0 software. The contours were then mapped with the standard knee models and the locations and areas of the low-density regions under tibial plateaux between the three groups were compared by one-way ANOVA.


Of the 406 patients (594 knees), there were 12 males (16 knees) and 394 females (578 knees), including 188 bilateral knees and 218 single knees. The age of the patients was (69±8) years. There were 66 knees in the normal group, 351 knees in the mild varus group and 177 knees in the severe varus group. Comparison of general data of the patients showed that there was no statistically significant difference in age and BMI among the three groups (all P>0.05). Thermographs confirmed that, in the normal group, the low-density region under tibial plateau was located in the middle under the tibial plateau with a smallest size of low-density region in the three groups. Low-density region in the severe varus group was closer to the medial tibial cortical bone and with the largest size than the other two groups. The average area in the normal group was found at (6 568±519) mm2, (7 266±577) mm2 in the mild varus group and (8 240±485) mm2 in the severe varus group. The differences between the three groups were statistically significant (F=293.140, P<0.001).


Low-density region under tibial plateau shown by an X-ray image is an important risk factor of the severity of genu varus deformity in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The region of low-density under tibial plateau is positively correlated with the severity of genu varus deformity in patients with knee osteoarthritis.

图1 下肢机械轴力线示意,左为正位下肢全长X线片,右为患者正立位照。图A为力线正常组,示力线位于胫骨髁间嵴;图B为轻度内翻组,示力线位于胫骨内侧平台;图C为重度内翻组,示力线超出胫骨内侧平台
Figure 1 Mechanical alignments of lower limb in anteroposterior views of full-length X-rays of lower limbs (left), and patients in standing position (right). A is the normal group, showing the alignment across the tibia intercondylar eminence; B is the mild varus group, showing the alignment across the medial tibial plateau; C is the severe varus group, showing the alignment extended beyond the medial tibial plateau
图2 膝关节负重正位片导入E-3D软件
Figure 2 Weight-bearing X-ray of knees in anteroposterior view imported into E-3D software
图3 膝关节负重正位片的E-3D软件处理。图A为胫骨平台下低密度影轮廓线提取;图B为匹配轮廓线至标准膝关节模型上;图C为轮廓线进行热图溶解
Figure 3 Weight-bearing X-ray of knees in anteroposterior view imported into E-3D software for processing. A is contour outlining of low-density region under tibial plateau; B is contour mapped onto a standard knee model;C is thermographic fusion with the contour
图4 通过Image-Pro Plus 6.0软件测量轮廓线内的面积。图A将轮廓线已匹配至标准膝关节模型的处理图导入Image-Pro Plus 6.0软件;图B通过Image-Pro Plus 6.0软件测量轮廓线内的面积
Figure 4 Area enclosed in the contour is measured by Image-Pro Plus 6.0. A is importing the processed image with the contour mapped standard knee model into Image-Pro Plus 6.0; B shows that area enclosed in the contour was measured and calculated by Image-Pro Plus 6.0
表1 患者一般资料对比(±s)
Table 1 Comparison of general data of patients
图5 不同分组胫骨平台下低密度影分布热图。图A力线正常组,热图较小,主要位于胫骨粗隆;图B轻度内翻组,热图向胫骨内侧偏移,且面积增大;图C重度内翻组,热图继续往胫骨内侧偏移,面积增大
Figure 5 Thermographs of distribution of low-density region under tibial plateau in different groups. A is the normal group, with smallest thermograph, and mainly located at middle of tibial tubercle; B is the mild varus group, showing the thermograph shifted to the medial aspect of tibia with an enlarged area; C is the severe varus group, showing the thermograph further shifted towards the medial aspect of the tibia, with a further enlarged area
图6 胫骨平台下低密度影面积对比注:*-P<0.001
Figure 6 Comparison of areas of low-density region under tibial plateau
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