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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (02) : 143 -150. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2021.02.003

所属专题: 文献


徐永清1,(), 宋慕国1, 范新宇1, 蔡兴博1, 王腾1, 林玮1, 李川1, 何晓清1, 崔轶1, 李霞1, 黄有军2, 周思远2   
  1. 1. 650032 昆明,联勤保障部队第九二〇医院全军创伤骨科研究所
    2. 215000 苏州微创关节医疗科技有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-22 出版日期:2021-04-01
  • 通信作者: 徐永清
  • 基金资助:
    云南省创伤骨科临床医学中心(ZX20191001); 云南省重点新产品开发计划(2015BC004); 3D打印微孔钛人工腕关节临床试验前研究(2020YGB04)

Design and clinical application of 3D printed microporous titanium artificial wrist joint

Yongqing Xu1,(), Muguo Song1, Xinyu Fan1, Xingbo Cai1, Teng Wang1, Wei Lin1, Chuan Li1, Xiaoqing He1, Yi Cui1, Xia Li1, Youjun Huang2, Siyuan Zhou2   

  1. 1. Institute of Orthopaedic Trauma, 920th Hospital of Joint Logistics Support Force, Kunming 650032, China
    2. Suzhou minimally invasive joint medical technology limited company, Suzhou 215000, China
  • Received:2021-01-22 Published:2021-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Yongqing Xu

徐永清, 宋慕国, 范新宇, 蔡兴博, 王腾, 林玮, 李川, 何晓清, 崔轶, 李霞, 黄有军, 周思远. 3D打印微孔钛人工腕关节的设计与临床应用[J/OL]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2021, 15(02): 143-150.

Yongqing Xu, Muguo Song, Xinyu Fan, Xingbo Cai, Teng Wang, Wei Lin, Chuan Li, Xiaoqing He, Yi Cui, Xia Li, Youjun Huang, Siyuan Zhou. Design and clinical application of 3D printed microporous titanium artificial wrist joint[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2021, 15(02): 143-150.






患者均获随访,时间12.5(2.7,19.5)个月。末次随访时:VAS评分由术前的47.5(45.0,60.0)分减少为0(0,2.5)分(Z=-2.232,P<0.05);握力由术前的7.00(3.0,9.0)kg增加到术后17.5(11.5,20.0)kg(Z=-2.201, P<0.05);腕关节活动度中屈曲、尺偏和桡偏较术前明显改善(Z=-2.214,-2.041,-2.333,均为P<0.05),背伸、旋前和旋后改善不明显(P>0.05)。关节假体均无松动及脱位。




To design the method of 3D printing microporous titanium artificial wrist joint by ourselves, and observe the clinical effect after approval by the ethics committee of the hospital.


From February 2019 to November 2020, four cases of rheumatoid carpal arthritis, one case of open part defect of carpal joint caused by gunshot wound, and one case of osteoarthritis of carpal joint were treated with individualized 3D printing microporous titanium artificial wrist joint replacement. Inclusion criteria: obvious pain in carpal arthritis, complete wrist joint fusion, severe ischemic necrosis and collapse of carpal bone. Exclusion criteria: wrist tuberculosis or suppurative infection, poor systemic condition, combined with serious complications. Preoperative and postoperative assessments measured wrist pain using visual analogue scale(VAS), wrist range of motion (flexion and extension, radioulnar deviation, and rotational range of motion), and grip strength.The paired data were compared by rank sum test for statistical analysis.


The postoperative follow-up period was 12.5(2.7, 19.5)months. VAS score decreased from 47.5(45.0, 60.0) to 0(0, 2.5)(Z=-2.232, P<0.05). The preoperative grip strength increased from 7.0(3.0, 9.0) kg to 17.5(11.5, 20.0) kg(Z=-2.201, P<0.05) after operation. Flexion, ulnar deviation and radial deviation of wrist range of motion were significantly improved (Z =-2.214, -2.041, -2.333, all P <0.05), but dorsiflexion, pronation and supination were not significantly improved (P>0.05). There was no loosening or dislocation of the prosthesis.


The clinical effect of 3D printing microporous titanium artificial wrist joint is good and the patients are satisfied.

图1 人工腕关节示意图
图2 人工腕关节实物图
表1 患者腕关节疼痛、握力及腕关节活动度情况[n=6,M(P25P75)]
图3 典型病例1左腕类风湿性关节炎行个体化3D打印微孔钛人工腕关节置换术前、术中和术后情况。图A为左腕关节术前正侧位X线片,示腕关节间隙变窄,部分关节间隙消失,关节软骨面破坏明显;图B为术前握力检测,健侧32 kg,患侧8 kg;图C为术前患者腕关节屈曲0°和背伸40°;图D为术中切口位置;图E为个体化人工腕关节;图F为术中植入人工关节后,关节稳定,活动范围满意;图G为术后18个月左腕关节正侧位X线片,示假体位置佳;图H为术后18个月握力检测,健侧32 kg,患侧15 kg;图I为术后18个月腕关节屈曲40°和背伸20°
图4 典型病例2右腕创伤性关节炎行个体化3D打印微孔钛人工腕关节置换术前和术后情况。图A为右腕关节术前正侧位X线片,示腕关节间隙明显变窄,局部囊性变,月骨塌陷,关节软骨面破坏;图B为术前握力检测,健侧28 kg,患侧6 kg;图C为术前腕关节屈曲0°和背伸50°;图D为术后6个月右腕关节正侧位X线片,示假体位置佳;图E为术后6个月腕关节屈曲10°和背伸70°;图F为术后6个月握力检测,健侧28 kg,患侧20 kg
图5 典型病例3左腕类风湿性关节炎行个体化3D打印微孔钛人工腕关节置换术前、术中和术后情况。图A为左腕关节术前正侧位X线片,示腕关节间隙变窄,部分关节间隙消失,关节软骨面破坏明显;图B为术前握力检测,健侧18 kg,患侧8 kg;图C为术前腕关节屈曲0°和背伸60°;图D为术中切口位置;图E为术中植入人工关节后,关节稳定,活动范围满意;图F为术后14个月左腕关节正侧位X线片,示假体位置佳;图G为术后14个月握力检测,健侧18 kg,患侧20 kg;图H为术后14个月腕关节屈曲10°和背伸60°
图6 3D打印微孔钛人工腕关节CAD示意图
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