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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2020, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (05) : 578 -583. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2020.05.010

所属专题: 文献


黄桂武1, 李文昌1, 邬培慧1, 古明晖1,()   
  1. 1. 510080 广州,中山大学附属第一医院
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-27 出版日期:2020-10-01
  • 通信作者: 古明晖
  • 基金资助:
    广东省省级科技计划项目(2016B090916002); 广东省省级科技计划项目(2017B020227005); 广东省自然科学基金(2016A030310135)

Finite element analysis of effects of stress and strain on acetabular cup-bone interface at different heights

Guiwu Huang1, Wenchang Li1, Peihui Wu1, Minghui Gu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of joint surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510080, China
  • Received:2020-05-27 Published:2020-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Minghui Gu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Gu Minghui, Email:

黄桂武, 李文昌, 邬培慧, 古明晖. 臼杯假体高度对臼杯-骨界面应力应变影响的有限元分析[J]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2020, 14(05): 578-583.

Guiwu Huang, Wenchang Li, Peihui Wu, Minghui Gu. Finite element analysis of effects of stress and strain on acetabular cup-bone interface at different heights[J]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2020, 14(05): 578-583.


探究臼杯假体模拟植入Crowe Ⅱ/Ⅲ型DDH髋臼的不同高度时臼杯-骨界面间应力和应变分布特征。


基于3位Crowe Ⅱ/Ⅲ型DDH患者髋关节的CT扫描数据,利用计算机软件作髋臼三维建模,在距髋臼下缘连线垂直高度为15、21、30 mm处分别模拟植入臼杯模型,并转化为三维有限元网格模型,施加静力载荷,记录臼杯-骨界面的应力和应变数据,行配对t检验或Wilcoxon符号秩检验分析各组最大应力及应变的差异。


3组臼杯模型在距髋臼下缘连线垂直高度为21 mm处的最大应力值最小,分别为患者A 10.03 Mpa、患者B 17.67 Mpa和患者C 14.99 Mpa。在安装高度为15 mm和30 mm处,臼杯的最大应力值分别为患者A 20.64、12.03 Mpa,患者B 22.06、23.02 Mpa和患者C 34.72、17.88 Mpa。对15、21、30 mm处骨质、臼杯的最大应力及应变行两两配对检验显示各组差异无统计学意义(校正后P>0.0167)。不同安装高度下臼杯假体及假体周围骨组织应变量没有明显分布规律。


对于Crowe Ⅱ/Ⅲ型DDH患者行全髋关节置换术,适当上移臼杯旋转中心能减少臼杯假体最大应力。


To investigate the stress and strain feature at the acetabular cup-bone interface at different heights of the Crowes Ⅱ/Ⅲ DDH acetabular implant.


The hip CT scan data of three Crowe Ⅱ/Ⅲ DDH patients were used for acetabular three-dimensional model reconstruction, then the cup models were implanted at vertical distance of 15, 21, 30mm respectively from the inferior edge of the acetabulum. The model was transformed into a three-dimensional finite element mesh model, and applied a static load to record the stress and strain at the cup-bone interface. The differences of the stress and strain at the cup-bone interface were analyzed by paired-sample t test or Wilcoxon rank test.


The minimal value of maximal stress was appeared at the vertical height of 21 mm, patient A 10.03 Mpa, patient B 17.67 Mpa and patient C 14.99 Mpa. At the height of 15mm and 30mm, the maximal values of maximal stress of the cup were as follows: patient A 20.64 and 12.03 Mpa, patient B 22.06 and 23.02 Mpa, patient C 34.72 and 17.88 Mpa. Paired-samples t test revealed no significant difference in the stress and strain at the cup-bone interface(P>0.0167, P value was corrected). There was no specific pattern on the strain of the acetabulum and the bone tissue at different heights.


For total hip arthroplasty in the patients with Crowe Ⅱ/Ⅲ DDH, the cup model implanted upward appropriately can decrease the maximal stress of the cup model.

图1 半骨盆三维实体模型及其与不同高度臼杯安放位置的三维实体模型。图A皮质骨三维模型;图B松质骨三维模型;图C距髋臼下缘连线垂直高度15 mm;图D距髋臼下缘连线垂直高度21 mm;图E距髋臼下缘连线垂直高度30 mm
图2 三维半骨盆和臼杯有限元网格模型(蓝色:外侧皮质骨;绿色:内侧松质骨;黄色:臼杯模型)
表1 各组有限元网格参数
表2 各部分材料属性参数
图3 三维模型边界条件和载荷(红色箭头表示施加应力方向)
图4 髋关节臼杯假体以及周围骨质部分的应力与应变分布云图。图A~C为髋关节臼杯假体以及周围骨质部分的应力分布云图:臼杯假体外上部区域可测得应力最大值,为应力集中区域(红色区域);图D~F为臼杯假体以及周围骨质部分的应变云图:臼杯假体外上部及骨质髋臼外上侧应变较其他部分稍大,但整体差异不大
表3 假体周围不同部位骨质部分最大应力与应变结果
表4 臼杯模型最大应力与应变结果
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