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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (06) : 720 -728. doi: 10.3877/ cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2024.06.004


谢云港1, 范长海1,(), 刘荣顺1, 邓瑞晨1   
  1. 1.053000 衡水市中医医院外一科(骨伤科)
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-26 出版日期:2024-12-01
  • 通信作者: 范长海
  • 基金资助:

Therapeutic effect of different surgical procedures on medial compartment knee osteoarthritis

Yungang Xie1, Changhai Fan1,(), Rongshun Liu1, Ruichen Deng1   

  1. 1.Waiyike (Orthopedics and Traumatology Department) of Hengshui Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Hengshui 053000, China
  • Received:2024-08-26 Published:2024-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Changhai Fan

谢云港, 范长海, 刘荣顺, 邓瑞晨. 不同术式治疗内侧间室膝骨关节炎的疗效[J/OL]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(06): 720-728.

Yungang Xie, Changhai Fan, Rongshun Liu, Ruichen Deng. Therapeutic effect of different surgical procedures on medial compartment knee osteoarthritis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(06): 720-728.










To explore the curative effect of different surgical procedures on medial compartment osteoarthritis of knee joint and the effect of improving knee joint function.


A total of 106 patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis of knee joint treated in Hengshui Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January 2021 to April 2023 were selected as the research object. Inclusion criteria were as follows: the first surgical treatment of osteoarthritis in the medial compartment of the knee joint, with indications for surgery, etc. Patients with infectious diseases, traumatic fractures, osteoporosis and the history of bone and joint surgery were excluded. According to the final treatment, the patients were divided into two groups: the high tibial osteotomy group (the HTO group, 51 cases) and the single condyle replacement group(the SCR group,55 cases). Four cases in the HTO group were lost to follow-up, and 47 cases were eventually included. Six cases in the SCR group were lost during follow-up, and 49 cases were finally included. Both groups were observed until discharge and were followed up for 12 months. The clinical efficacy (one week after operation), peri-operative indices, knee joint range of motion (before operation and one month after operation),sitting pain, knee joint function (at different time points) , complications (during follow-up) and observation value of knee joint (before and 12 months after operation) were compared between the two groups by t test,repeated measurement analysis of variance and chi square test.


One week after operation, compared with the HTO group, the total clinical effective rate in the SCR group was higher , the difference was statistically significant(χ2=5.752, P<0.05). Compared with the HTO group, the time of getting out of bed and length of hospital stay in the SCR group was shorter (t=14.461, 10.619, both P<0.05). Compared with the data before operation, the flexion, extension, abduction and adduction activities of the two groups all increased one month after operation (t =130.125, 113.624, 70.859, 69.402, 53.584, 51.447, 26.909, 27.901, all P<0.05); the difference between the two groups were not statistically significant (all P>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the sitting pain score before surgery and 12 months after the surgery in the HTO group(F=1.308, P>0.05) nor in the SCR group (F=0.382, P>0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups in the variance of repeated measurement of sitting pain score from preoperative to postoperative 12 months (F=1.556, 0.951, 1.381, 0.472, all P>0.05).There was no statistical significance in the University of Western Ontario and McMaster osteoarthritis index (WOMAC) in the HTO group at each time point from before operation to 12 months after operation (F=1.162, P>0.05), and there was no statistical significance in comparing the variance of repeated measurement of WOMAC in the SCR group at each time point from before operation to 12 months after operation (F=0.663, P>0.05). There was no significant difference in the variance of repeated measurement of WOMAC score between the two groups at each time point from preoperative to postoperative 12 months (F=1.442, 0.975, 0.794, 1.941, all P>0.05). During the follow-up period, the total incidence of complications in the SCR group was lower than that in the HTO group, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Compared with the data before operation, the varus angle of tibial plateau decreased in both groups at 12 months after operation (t=5.457、12.047), especially in the SCR group (t=20.602); the ratio of internal and external space increased in both groups at 12 months after operation (t=4.060、9.726), especially in the SCR group (t=6.196), the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05).


Compared with high tibial osteotomy, the postoperative recovery time of patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee joint treated by single condyle replacement is relatively shorter, and the line and angle of knee joint can be adjusted. The incidence of complications is lower and the curative effect is more obvious, but it has the same effect on improving postoperative pain, knee joint function and knee joint mobility.

表1 两组患者的术前一般资料
Table 1 Ggeneral information of the two groups before operation
表2 两组临床疗效比较[例(%)]
Table 2 Comparison of clinical efficacy between the two groups
表3 两组围手术期指标比较(±s
Table 3 Comparison of perioperative indicators between the two groups
表4 两组膝关节活动度比较[°,(±s)]
Table 4 Comparison of knee joint range of motion between two groups
表5 两组坐立疼痛情况比较[分,(±s)]
Table 5 Comparison of sitting pain between the two groups
表6 两组膝关节功能比较[分,(±s)]
Table 6 Comparison of knee joint function between two groups
表7 两组并发症发生情况比较[例(%)]
Table 7 Comparison of complications between the two groups
表8 两组膝关节观察值比较[°,(±s)]
Table 8 Comparison of observation values of knee joint between two groups
图1 典型病例1胫骨高位截骨术治疗前后膝关节X线影像。图A为术前双膝正位片,示右膝关节内侧间隙明显变窄,轻度内翻;图B为术前右膝侧位片,示右膝关节增生、骨关节炎;图C为术前双下肢正位片,示双膝骨关节炎,内侧为重,右膝轻度内翻;图D为术后右膝关节正侧位片,示内固定位置良好、右下肢力线和内侧关节间隙恢复良好
Figure 1 X ray images of knees of typical case one before and after high tibial osteotomy. A is image of bilateral knees at anteroposterior position before surgery, showing obviously narrowing of the medial space of the right knee and slightly varus; B is lateral image of the right knee before surgery, showing hyperplasia and osteoarthritis; C is anteroposterior image of lower limbs, showing bilateral knee osteoarthritis and the medial compartments were severe with slightly varus of right knee; D is image of right knee at anteroposterior and lateral positions after surgery, showing good internal fixation and well recovered force line and the medial joint space
图2 典型病例2左膝关节单髁置换术治疗前后X线影像。图A为左膝关节术前正侧位片,示内侧间隙明显变窄、骨质增生、骨关节炎;图B为双下肢全长拼接片,示双膝关节间隙不等宽,内侧较窄,以左膝关节为重;图C为术后左膝正侧位片,示假体位置良好、稳定
Figure 2 X-ray images before and after single condyle replacement of left knee in typical case two. A is image of left knee at anteroposterior and lateral positions before surgery, showing the obviously narrowed medial space of knee joint with hyperplasia and osteoarthritis ; B is full length image of lower limbs before surgery, showing unequal width of bilateral knee joint spaces with narrower medial space, and more severe in the left knee; C is image of left knee at anteroposterior and lateral positions after surgery, showing good and stabilized prosthesis position
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