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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (02) : 179 -185. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2023.02.005


吴祥, 黄必留, 雷彦文, 彭松根, 李胜山, 刘敏, 黄海燕, 黎世洲, 廖松南, 郭桥鸿, 张敬良()   
  1. 528308 佛山市顺德和平外科医院有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-07 出版日期:2023-04-01
  • 通信作者: 张敬良
  • 基金资助:

Wrist arthroscope combined with 3D printing in minimally invasive treatment of fractures of distal radius

Xiang Wu, Biliu Huang, Yanwen Lei, Songgen Peng, Shengshan Li, Min Liu, Haiyan Huang, Shizhou Li, Songnan Liao, Qiaohong Guo, Jingliang Zhang()   

  1. Shunde Heping Surgery Hospital, Foshan 528308, China
  • Received:2022-04-07 Published:2023-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Jingliang Zhang

吴祥, 黄必留, 雷彦文, 彭松根, 李胜山, 刘敏, 黄海燕, 黎世洲, 廖松南, 郭桥鸿, 张敬良. 腕关节镜联合3D打印微创治疗桡骨远端骨折[J]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2023, 17(02): 179-185.

Xiang Wu, Biliu Huang, Yanwen Lei, Songgen Peng, Shengshan Li, Min Liu, Haiyan Huang, Shizhou Li, Songnan Liao, Qiaohong Guo, Jingliang Zhang. Wrist arthroscope combined with 3D printing in minimally invasive treatment of fractures of distal radius[J]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2023, 17(02): 179-185.










To investigate the clinical efficacy of combined 3D printing technology with the wrist arthroscope-assisted percutaneous minimally invasive procedure in reduction and internal fixation for distal radius fractures involving articular surface.


From January 2019 to January 2021, 112 patients received treatment for distal radius fractures in the Shunde Heping Surgery Hospital were selected according to the inclusion criteria such as confirmed diagnosis of fractures of the distal radius. Pathological fractures, old fractures, bone malignant tumours and the patients who were unsuitable for surgery were excluded. The patients were assigned into the 3D printing group (3D group, n=57) and the control group (n=55) by random number table. In the 3D group, the 3D fracture templates were printed according to the preoperative CT scans. Then surgical procedures were formulated and the internal fixation materials were selected according to the 3D templates. During surgery, fractures were treated by percutaneous minimally invasive reduction and internal fixation with the assistance of wrist arthroscope. In the control group, conventional preoperative preparations were applied, and the percutaneous minimally invasive reduction and internal fixation treatment under the assistance of wrist arthroscope were carried out in surgery. The observation included perioperative data, postoperative wrist pain and function. Visual analogue scale (VAS) and Gartland-Werley function scores, as well as imaging measurement were employed for the evaluation. Independent sample t test or Chi square test were used for data analysis.


Compared with the control group, the number of intraoperative X-ray exposure (t=7.87), operation time (t=9.02), intraoperative blood loss (t=10.92) and length of hospital stay (t=10.92) in the 3D group were all seen in decrease (all P<0.05). In comparison with the control group in follow-up reviews at three and 12 months, the scores of wrist pain were lower together with better function scores in the 3D group. Follow-up reviews at three months showed that the wrist function score in the 3D group was better than the control group (χ2=5.30, P<0.05).


For patients with fractures of the distal radius with injury of articular surface, a preoperative 3D printed temperate would benefit the plan of surgical procedures, perform intraoperative percutaneous minimally invasive reduction and internal fixation though wrist arthroscope, ensure more accurate positioning, reduce an operation time and minimise a damage and reduce the pain. It also benefits the recovery of wrist function.

表1 两组患者术前基本临床资料对比
Table 1 Comparison of basic clinical data of two groups before operation
表2 两组患者围手术期情况比较(±s)
Table 2 Comparison of perioperative conditions between two groups
表3 两组患者腕关节疼痛与功能评分比较[分,(±s)]
Table 3 Comparison of wrist pain and function scores between two groups
表4 两组患者影像学测量指标的比较[°,(±s)]
Table 4 Comparison of imaging measurement indexes between two groups
图1 典型病例手术前后左手腕正侧位X线片。图A为术前X线片,示左桡骨远端骨折,累及关节面不平整、阶差超过2 mm,尺偏角、掌倾角异常;图B为复位术后X线片,示左桡骨骨折处复位良好,尺偏角、掌倾角恢复,固定器位置良好;图C为术后3个月内固定物取出后,示骨折愈合
Figure 1 Anteroposterior and lateral views of X-rays of left distal radius fracture, before and after surgery. A is reoperative X-ray, showing a left distal radius fracture with an uneven articular surface, with an over 2 mm of altitude difference and abnormal ulnar deviation angle and palmar inclination angle; B is postoperative X-ray, showing good fracture reduction with well restored ulnar deviation angle and palmar inclination angle, together with a good fixator position; C is X-ray at three months after surgery, showing fracture healed after removal of the internal fixation
图2 典型病例的术前左桡骨远端骨折的3D打印模型图(左)及电脑模拟图(右)。图A为术前左桡骨远端骨折的背侧骨折移位情况;图B为术前掌侧骨折移位情况;图C为术前关节面移位情况
Figure 2 Preoperative three-dimensional printed template (left) and the computer simulation (right) of the left distal radius fracture. A is dorsal displacement of the fracture; B is a metacarpal displacement of the fracture; C is articular surface displacement of the fracture
图3 典型病例的术前模拟手术复位、内固定器固定后的左桡骨远端骨折情况。图A为模拟术后的背侧骨折复位情况;图B为模拟掌侧骨折复位情况;图C为左桡骨远端骨折的关节面复位情况
Figure 3 Fracture of the left distal radius, after preoperative simulated surgical reduction and internal fixation. A is simulation of the postoperative reduction of dorsal displacement; B is simulation of the postoperative reduction of palmar displacement; C is simulation of the postoperative reduction of articular surface displacement
图4 关节镜下左桡骨远端骨折复位前(左)后(右)的关节面情况
Figure 4 Condition of wrist joint surface observed under arthroscope, before (left) and after (right) the reduction of left distal radius fracture
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