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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (04) : 508 -515. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2018.04.012

所属专题: 文献


杜丹1, 谢东晓1, 刘玮璐2, 宋旻恺1, 马丽云1, 顾疏楠1, 田秋1, 王健2,()   
  1. 1. 510515 广州,南方医科大学第一临床医学院
    2. 510515 广州,南方医科大学南方医院关节与骨病外科
  • 收稿日期:2017-07-24 出版日期:2018-08-01
  • 通信作者: 王健
  • 基金资助:

Infrared thermal imaging method assesses preoperative skin temperature differences of knee osteoarthritis

Dan Du1, Dongxiao Xie1, Weilu Liu2, Minkai Song1, Liyun Ma1, Shunan Gu1, Qiu Tian1, Jian Wang2,()   

  1. 1. The First School of Clinical Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China
    2. Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China
  • Received:2017-07-24 Published:2018-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Jian Wang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Wang Jian, Email:

杜丹, 谢东晓, 刘玮璐, 宋旻恺, 马丽云, 顾疏楠, 田秋, 王健. 新热成像方法评估膝骨关节炎全膝关节置换术前皮肤温度[J/OL]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2018, 12(04): 508-515.

Dan Du, Dongxiao Xie, Weilu Liu, Minkai Song, Liyun Ma, Shunan Gu, Qiu Tian, Jian Wang. Infrared thermal imaging method assesses preoperative skin temperature differences of knee osteoarthritis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2018, 12(04): 508-515.




本研究排除术前评定资料不完整及已经手术治疗的OA患者,纳入满足OA诊断标准的初次发病患者31例,均在行一期关节置换术前1 d使用红外热成像仪测量膝关节OA患者的膝关节皮肤温度,记录术前膝关节正面与侧面皮温数据,采用膝关节正面九区侧面六区分区和K-L影像学分级矫正温差的处理方法,进行患侧和对侧皮温对比,计算温差并分析。符合正态分布的数据采用配对t检验,不符合正态分布的数据,采用秩和检验。






To improve the infrared thermal imaging screening method and compare the skin temperature difference between the affected knee and the contralateral knee before the total knee arthroplasty(TKA), and to establish the pattern of knee skin temperature before knee surgery that may be significant for early auxiliary evaluation of knee joint osteoarthritis.


This study excluded the knee joint osteoarthritis patients which had incomplete preoperative evaluation information and were treated with surgery. Thirty-one patients who met the criteria of knee joint osteoarthritis diagnosis were included in the study; their knee joint skin temperature images were captured one day before TKA by infrared thermography. This study adopted the method of comparing the affected knee and the contralateral knee to calculate the temperature difference and analyzed a new partition of the anterior aspect and the side face of knee. The t test was applied to the normal distribution data, while the rank sum test was used to the nonnormal distribution data.


There was statistically significant in every region mean temperature difference(MTD) between the affected side and contralateral side in the anterior aspect (P<0.05). Among them, the MTD regions of medial, patella central, inferomedial, inferior were highly statistically significant (t=2.992, 4.188, 4.624, 4.127; all P<0.01). The most different region of MTD was the inferomedial. In the lateral side, it has no statistic significance of MTD. In the medial side, the central-knee and distal-knee region MTD were statistically significant(t=1.867, 0.887; both P<0.05). The most different region of MTD was the distal-knee. Besides, the percentages of the area between the affected side and contralateral side were statistically significant different in the temperature range above 31℃, 32 ℃, 33 ℃, 34 ℃, 35 ℃ in the anterior aspect (t=3.097, 4.231, 4.621, 4.574, Z=3.774; all P<0.01). And there was statistically significant difference in the temperature range above 30℃(t=2.311, P <0.05). The percentages of the area between the affected side and contralateral side was no statistically significant different above the node from 28 ℃ to 36 ℃ in the lateral side and the medial side.


The affected knee skin temperature of patients with knee osteoarthritis is higher than the contralateral side of the knee and the maximum difference region of MTD may be the inferomedial of the affected knee. There is an obvious difference in the anterior aspect of the knee joint temperature area distribution. The max value of area ratio difference is in the temperature range above 33℃. These research results may provide an idea to early assisted assessment knee osteoarthritis with suitable new type of thermal imaging technology.

图1 热成像膝关节正面分区。line 1及line 5:髌骨上缘,line 2及line 6:髌骨下缘,line 3及line 8:髌骨外侧缘,line 4及line 7:髌骨内侧缘。b.热成像膝关节侧面分区。line 1:髌骨上缘沿侧面走行的延长线,line 2:髌骨下缘沿侧面走行的延长线,line 3:膝关节侧面中线,line 4:与中间区域等距离的line 1平行线,line 5:与中间区域等距离的line 2平行线
图2 皮肤温度灰度区间正面分区。正面分区以髌骨上下缘高度为基础单位,选取3倍髌骨高度的膝关节区域为感兴趣区域,分析皮肤温度区域分布特点
图3 皮肤温度灰度区间侧面分区。侧面分区以髌骨上下缘侧边延长线宽度为基础单位,选取3倍基础宽度的膝关节区域为感兴趣区域,分析皮肤温度区域分布特点
表1 双侧膝关节正面皮肤温度差对比[n=31, ℃,(±s)]
表2 双侧膝关节内侧面皮肤温度差对比[n=31, ℃,(±s)]
表3 双侧膝关节外侧面皮肤温度差对比[n=31, ℃,(±s)]
表4 双侧膝关节正面皮肤温度区域面积百分比(n=31,%)
表5 双侧膝关节外侧面皮肤温度区域面积百分比(n=31,%)
表6 双侧膝关节内侧面皮肤温度区域面积百分比(n=31,%)
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